Friday, January 24, 2014

Let It Go

Yeah, yeah, we all know I'm addicted to that movie, and I have all the feels for Elsa, and that's why when I saw this morning that a hair store came out with an Elsa hair style, I was like... lol, bye! So now I have the Truth one that is inspired by coronation Elsa, and then we have the braid style from ^;^CaTwA^;^ that I love. I don't really have much of the store in my inventory, truth be told, but.. I absolutely loved the execution of this hair, it's flawless. 

So.. c'est tout for today, I just really really wanted to share this hair that I saw today because.. Frozen. That's why.


Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Mesh Elsa [M] by Catwa Clip
Skin: -Glam Affair - Mokatana skin - America 04 by Aida Ewing
Freckles: -Glam Affair - Gemma - Freckles 02 by Aida Ewing
Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes - Ice by Ikon Innovia 
Lashes: *MC* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper+Lower (add) by Freya Olivieri
Necklaces: .Olive. the Folded Golden Paper S and Mystery 1 by Naminaeko Resident
Dress: *COCO*_LaceDress(White) by Cocoro Lemon @ Season's Story


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