Friday, June 14, 2013

I Cry When Angels Deserve to Die

I Cry When Angels Deserve to Die

So.. Cosmetics Fair is upon us.. and normally I'm not.. uberly crazy about cray cray make up. However.. I have to admit, one special person inspired me. +Nuuna+ is one of the many people that are in the mix for the fair this summer, and I mean.. at first.. it looks so weird, just... red stripes, however, sometimes we don't know the powerful statement that a make up piece has, and tis is how this look was born. All I could think of was a crying angel. An image so soft, and so powerful, that well, I had to make it a reality. The shot is really pretty simple, and the styling is kept somewhat simple to keep the focus on the make up instead of the actual outfit, you dont' really want to overpower when wearing strong make up like this because.. you run the risk of going from being soft and elegant, to looking like a clown! NO! Don't do it! So anyways, I really don't have much to say other than I hope you all are excited about cosmetic fairs, and I'll keep adding a couple of favorites from the event as time goes on! But this.. well, it deserved something special in its own in my opnion! Happy Shopping Sl'ers! 


Skin: Essences - Opera 04 *sunkissed* 
Hair: Analog Dog wound up - goth1
Ear Wings: Remarkable Oblivion - Elysium  - Hippogryph
Pale make up: TuTy's Neri-Oshiroi Geisha make up 5 - Furyu
"Tears": +Nuuna+ Triip Red for Cosmetics Fair
Dress: NYU - Cotton Dress, White 
Wings: Material Squirrel Sofiel Angel Wings 4.3.2
Pose: !bang Strength 4


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